These four 7.5 by 10.5-inch books are the original books for the below timeframes. These Classbook are nearly impossible to fine. They are a treasure for any former student who took their airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia during one of these timeframes. Just as those digitized Classbooks on DVD, they too contain pictures of the training facilities at Fort Benning, Georgia, scenes of student paratroopers going through three-weeks of the toughest training the U.S. Military had to offer, as well as, cadre and student pictures. Click on any of the thumbnails below to enlarge for eading.
39 B & E 27 April 1951
12 Hqts & Service Co. 29 June 1956
11 Hqts & Service Co. 6 June 1958
20A 43 19 December 1963
Click the thumbnail to enlarge
Airborne Classbooks DVD
The DVD contains digital copies of 28 issues of the Fort Benning Airborne Classbooks in my collection. As with my other 101st Airborne Division publications, i.e. "The Screaming Eagle" newspapers, 101st Association's "The Screaming Eagle" bi-monthly magazines, and the 1968 and 1969 Yearbooks", it has been said to be the largest private collection from the Vietnam war era outside the museum at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. It has taken me over 50 years to assemble this collection. The DVD contains digital copies of each Classbook pages (28 books) in my current collection. Listed below are those issues. Click on any thumbnail example below to open for reading and viewing.
Classes - Companies - Graduation Dates
39 B & E 27 April 1951
12 Hqts & Service Co. 29 June 1956
11 Hqts & Service Co. 6 June 1958
20A 43 19 December 1963
9 43 18 September 1964
1 42 21 July 1965
21 44 & 48 23 December 1965
1 42 27 May 1966
2 43 47 29 July 1966
9 44 & 44 30 September 1966
10 45 & 39 7 October 1966
13 44 & 48 28 October 1966
20 44 48 19 December 1966
30 42 & 46 24 March 1967
32 45 & 49 14 April 1967
34 43 & 47 28 April 1967
36 45 & 49 12 May 1967
38 43 & 47 26 May 1967
42 44 & 48 30 June 1967
43 43 & 49 7 July 1967
4 42 & 46 11 August 1967
10 45 & 49 29 Sept. 1967
20 44 & 48 15 December 1967
32 45 & 49 5 April 1968
33 42 & 46 12 April 1968
35 44 & 48 26 April 1968
37 42 & 46 11 May 1968
3 43 & 47 3 July 1969